


Paradise 精彩片段:


"AHA!" Simon says.

"Not too bad," says Veronica.

"Ill have another," Ralph says. He puts a ten on the bar.

"Me too," says Veronica.

"Ill go along," Simon says.

"You two getting it on, or what?" Ralph asks.

"Just acquaintances," Veronica says. "Mere ac?quaintances."

"Dont look like mere acquaintances to me," Ralph says. "I have a feel for that sort of thing. Theres a way people look. They kind of lean toward each other."

"This music is a little muddy," Simon says. The jukebox is playing a Madonna number, "Into the Groove".

"You mean conceptually?" Veronica asks.

"I mean the sound."

"I dont care," Ralph says. "If you two are getting it on. Im just an old friend. If you two are getting it on, Im happy for you. This kid is not my type, actually. I love her, but shes not my type. We spent the night to?gether once, and it was a damp, damp evening. Many, many tears. You remember?"

"Dont remind me. I remember."

"The Brown Palace," Ralph says. "Denvers finest."


A fifty-three-year-old architect with a tragic sense of brick, Simon takes a year's sabbatical from his job and his marriage and moves to New York. The apartment he sublets is spacious and empty, so when he meets three gorgeous lingerie models -- half his age and a little down on their luck -- at a Lexington Avenue bar, it seems perfectly natural to invite them to move in. The situation, they point out, has the structure of a male fantasy. Simon's houseguests prove to be surprisingly perceptive and intelligent, but they are each a little lost, struggling to find their way in that difficult city. Simon, by turns doting and inattentive, tempted and horrified, offers them his skewed philosophies of life and love. Privately, he mourns his age, his stalled career, his diminishing sexual prowess, and the inevitable day when the women will leave him.


